Center for Safer Wireless
Promoting Safety in Our Wireless World
Research on Health Effects of People Living or Working Near Cell Phone Towers
Levitt, B.B. and Lai, H. 2010. Biological effects from exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell tower base stations and other antenna arrays. Environmental Reviews, 18 : 369-395. DOI:10.1139/A10-018
Eger, H., Jah M., Spezifische Symptome und Mobilfunkstrahlung in Selbtz (Bayern) - Evidenz fur eine Dosiswirkungsbeziehung, umwelt-medizin-gesellschaft, 23, 2 (2010), 130-139.  Translation by Katharin Gustavs
Specific Health Symptoms and Cell Phone Radiation in Bavaria, Germany - Evidence of a Dose-Response Relationship
In Selbitz, a town in Bavaria, Germany 251 residents completed a health survey.  Citizens were organized in groups, based on their proximity to cell phone transmitters of 3 service providers. Groups were assigned a mean RF exposure value in volts per meter.  Group 1 was within 100 meters of the cell antennas. Group 2 was within 200 meters of the cell phone antennas.  Groups 1 and 2 had a mean exposure value of 1.17 V/m.  Group 3 was within 300 meters and Group 4 within 400 meters. The mean RF exposure value for Groups 3 and 4 was .7 V/m. The control group was in Group 5, outside of the 400 meter radius, with a mean exposure level of .18 V/m. 
In comparison to the control group, significant (p <0.01, t-test) differences were found for the following symptoms in the four exposure groups 1 to 4 located within 400 meters of the antennas: sleep problems, symptoms of depression, cerebral symptoms, joint problems, infections, skin problems, cardiovascular problems, disorders of the visual and auditory system, as well as hormone system and gastrointestinal problems. The study showed a significantly increased health risk in the vicinity of cell phone antennas.
According to the study, "the current exposure limit regulations basically do not provide sufficient protection against health risks."
Read the entire study
Röösli, 2004

“sleep disorders (58%), headaches (41%), nervousness or distress (19%), fatigue (18%), and concentration difficulties were most common complaints. Complainants related their symptoms most frequently to exposure to mobile phone base stations…”

Santini, 2002

“Comparisons of complaints frequencies … in relation with distance from base station and sex, show significant (p<0.05) increase as compared to people living >300 m or not exposed to base station, till 300m for tiredness, 200m for headache, sleep disturbance, discomfort, etc. 100m for irritability, depression, loss of memory, dizziness, libido decrease, etc. Women significantly more often than men (p<0.05) complained of headache, nausea, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, depression, discomfort and visual perturbations.”

Bortkiewicz, 2004

“People living in the vicinity of base stations report various complaints mostly of the circulatory system, but also of sleep disturbances, irritability, depression, blurred vision, concentration difficulties, nausea, lack of appetite, headache and vertigo.”
Navarro, 2003

People more exposed to radiation from mobile phone antennas in La Nora (operating at 1800 MHz) had more symptoms than those who were less-exposed. Exposure was associated with discomfort, irritability, appetite loss, fatigue, headache, difficulties concentrating and sleep disturbance.

Zwamborn, 2003

A study by the Dutch Technical Research Institute (TNO) found that volunteers exposed to a signal simulating exposure from a 3G (UTMS) antenna experienced adverse effects on well-being.  

Oberfeld, 2004

Spain, 2004: A follow-up study in Spain found that the most-exposed people in Murcia had a higher incidence of fatigue, irritability, headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, sleeping disorders, depression, discomfort, difficulties concentrating, memory loss, visual disorders, dizziness and cardiovascular problems. The authors recommended a maximum exposure of 0.0001 μW/cm2.

Oberfeld, 2005

Austrian researchers found that volunteers exposed to radiation typical of that experienced at 80 metres from a mobile phone tower experienced changes in the electrical activity of their brains and feelings of unwellness. Subjects reported buzzing in the head, palpitations of the heart, unwellness, light-headedness, includes case studies of individuals who have suffered health effects they believe results from being near cell phone towers