Center for Safer Wireless
Promoting Safety in Our Wireless World

News from the Center for Safer for Wireless
New Brochure about the Problems with Smart Meters
Share this brochure with your networks so that they get facts about smart meters that utilities won't tell you.
Contact Your Public Service Commission about Fires and Smart Meters
On August 16th, PECO, the power company serving the Philadelphia area, announced that it is temporarily halting smart meter installations due to 15 fires in the area linked with smart meters. Citing this development, the Maryland Public Service Commission called for a hearing on August 28th to question three Maryland utility companies about any malfunctions with deployed smart meters. Use this sample letter to contact your Public Service Commission and request that it immediately convene a hearing about health and safety of smart meters.
Follow these steps to communicate your support to Congress of the Cellphone Right to Know Act:

Tell the FCC to Revise the Wireless Safety Standards

Recently, the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Julius Genachowski, circulated a draft order to the four other FCC Commissioners asking them to consider reviewing the current radiation standards for cell phones. 

Tell the FCC Commissioners that you want the Commissioners to modernize the standards because the United States needs better, more protective, radiation guidelines for cell phones and other wireless devices.
Modify the suggested letter and email it the 4 other FCC Commissioners. 
Commissioner McDowell
Commissioner Clyburn
Order the "Full Signal" Movie DVD at a 20% discount
Full Signal interviews scientists around the world who are researching the health effects related to cellular technology; activists who are fighting to regulate the placement of antennas; and lawyers and law makers who represent the people wanting those antennas regulated.  Filmed in ten countries and six US states, Full Signal highlights the growing global resistance to the increasing number of cell phone towers and antennas in residential neighborhoods; anger over chronic illnesses experienced across the world in locations near cell phone antennas (some visible and others concealed in steeples, chimneys, towers, within building premises, etc.); growing concern about cell phone use by children, shown in scientific research to absorb more electromagnetic radiation than adults; and concern by prominent scientists and physicians.
To order the movie, go to: In the discount section, use the following code: CFSW



This section offers the latest news, research, reports, and interviews involving wireless safety.
The Center for Safer Wireless published a press release May 6, 2013 concerning the opt out of smart meters provided by Dominion Power to their Virginia customers.

The Center for Safer Wireless was interviewed by Channel 9 news twice.  One aired February 11, 2013 and the second on February 19, 2013|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|featured. Channel 9 news also had our statements about smart meters on as a sidebar on February 22, 2013.
Analysis:  Smart Meter and Smart Grid Problems by Nina Beety  (2nd edition)December, 2012.
How to Organize your Community to halt "Smart" Meter installs from
The American Academy of Pediatricians supports the Cell Phone Right to Know Act December 13, 2012 

Dr. Mercola comments on "Getting Smarter about the Smart Grid"
New report issued by the National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy, “Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid”. Billions of dollars in federal subsidies for “smart” utility meters have been misspent on meter technology that will not lead to energy sustainability or contribute to the possibility of a more efficient and responsive electricity grid. November 27, 2012.
Italy's Supreme Court rules that cell phones had a "causal link" in Italian businessman Innocente Marcolini 's brain tumor. This is a groundbreaking court decision. October 19, 2012
In late September, more than 50 scientists from 20 countries around the world released an open letter about taking precautions with smart meters.
In new report the US Government Accountability Office recommends that the Federal Communication Commission reassess its wireless safety standards and mobile phone testing requirements. August 7, 2012
In a press release, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) announced his new bill,  the Cell Phone Safety Act (HR 6358), August 6, 2012
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine recommends that physicians consider electromagnetic field and radiofrequency field exposure in their diagnosis and treatment. Those with certain medical conditions should avoid exposure to these fields.  July 2012.
Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation - 40 international scientists explain the science behind microwave radiation,   La Maison du 21e siecle, July 2012
State Study in New Mexico links cell phone use to brain cancer. July 2012
On Thursday, May 25, 2011 the Maryland Public Service Commission issued order 84926 which allows any Maryland ratepayer to defer a smart meter installation until the Maryland Public Service Commission issues a a formal order on whether to allow utility customers to retain their analog meters.  If a smart meter is already installed on a home or office, a ratepayer can request that the radio be turned off until the Commission's decision.  All requests shall be in writing to the utility. The order affects ratepayers in the Pepco, Baltimore Gas and Electric, and Delmarva Power service territories. Read more information.
American Academy of Environmental Medicine issues a position statement indicating there are biological effects from electromagnetic radiation,  Electromagnetic and Radiofrequency Fields Effect on Human Health, April 2012.
Washington, DC Office of the People's Counsel issued application for reconsideration in investigating the economic feasibility of a smart meter opt-out program in Washington, DC, March 19, 2012
Ontario English Catholic Teacher's Association issues Position Paper on Wi-Fi in Schools, which proclaims Wi-Fi in schools may present a health and safety risk or hazard in the workplace. February 8, 2012
American Academy of Environmental Medicine calls for a moratorium on smart meters, January 23, 2012.
Santa Cruz County, CA  Health Officer issues report on smart meter moratorium, January 13, 2012 
Radiation Research Trust issued the following online book in 2 parts
World Health Organization announcement on May 31, 2011 that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields are a possible human carcinogen 
PUC Approves "Smart" Meter Opt-Out Option - The Portland Press Herald - May 24, 2011
PG&E acknowledges SmartMeter problems - ABC News7, San Francisco, CA - April 26, 2011
Cell Phone Radiation May Harm Your Brain. Let's Talk- New York Times - March 30, 2011 
Government Updates Health Advice for Mobile Phone Users After Admitting, "We Don't Know if They Are Dangerous"
Brain Reacts to Cell Phones - Wall Street Journal - February 23, 2011
Health Threat to Mobile Users - The Hindu - January 5, 2011
Chronic exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation caused double-strand DNA breaks in sperm cells.
Industry Funded "Interphone" Brain Cancer-Cell Phone Study Design Proven to Greatly Underestimate Risk of Brain Tumors - Medical News Today - December 24, 2010

Little Known Cell Phone Health Risk – CBS News The Morning Edition, October 27, 2010

 Cell-Phone Safety: What the FCC Didn't Test – Time Magazine – October 26, 2010

Keep that Cell Phone Out of Your Bra – – October 23, 2010


3rd Circuit Court of Appeals Rules that Cell Phone Liability Lawsuits are Preempted by the FCC – October 22, 2010

Citizens Protest Outside of CTIA Conference in San Francisco - October 6, 2010

Fairfax Middle School Parents Stand Up to Cell Tower - Washington Post - Oct. 1, 2010
Hempstead, NY enacts tough cell tower limits - AP - September 23, 2010
Parents in Canada Challenge Wi-Fi in Schools - CBC - September 8, 2010
Watch this CBC news report aired on September 8, 2010 across Canada about parents whose children are experiencing health effects they believe are linked to Wi-Fi in classroom.
Brock University staff get Wi-Fi warning - August 31, 2010

British Canadian author preaches reducing wireless radiation by using cell phones less - August 30, 2010

A Pushback Against Cell Phone Towers - NY Times - August 29, 2010
Experts: Wi-Worry About Wi-Fi Danger? Fox News - August 18, 2010
Despite years of research and public education, some parents in Canada are blaming their children's illnesses on the wireless Internet routers installed in their schools, and they're calling for the setups to be removed.

Maine Lawmaker Renews Cell Phone Warning Label - August 17, 2010

Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) introduces cell phone legislation - June 30, 2010
Today Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) announced his intent to introduce a bill to create a new national research program to study cell phones and health, require an update of the decades-old Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), and grant a consumer’s right-to-know by providing for warning labels on cell phones.
Cell Phone Industry Attacks San Francisco's Ruling on Radiation - Washington Post - June 29, 2010

Are Cells the New Cigarettes? - New York Times Op/Ed - June 27, 2010

INTERPHONE Study Released
On May 18, 2010 the long-awaited INTERPHONE study was released to the public.  A confusing array of media reports blanked the news, most of which indicated the study results were inconclusive on whether cell phone use was linked to brain tumors.  Moms for Safe Wireless analyzed the study, which you can read here.
Below is news coverage about the study from a variety of sources.

INTERPHONE Study Media Coverage in the United Kingdom

INTERPHONE Study Media Coverage in the United States


Dr. Devra Davis’ analysis of the INTERPHONE Study in the Huffington Post

Globe and Mail Editorial

Living on Earth interview with Dr. Carlis, head of the INTERPHONE Study
Time Magazine Article on President’s Cancel Panel Recommendations,9171,1989138,00.html

"The BRAG™ Antenna Ranking of Schools" 

A new report, "The BRAG™ Antenna Ranking of Schools", was announced on April 28th  by Professor Magda Havas, PhD of Trent University, Canada, along with Jim Turner, Esq., Chairman of Citizens for Health, Camilla Rees, Founder of, Janet Newton, President of the EMR Policy Institute, The ElectroSensitive Society, and Christine Hoch, Executive Director of Moms for Safe Wireless

The BRAG™ Ranking is the result of a multi-year study of school children's potential exposure to cell phone antennas and base stations in U.S. state capitols prepared by Dr. Havas and students at Trent University, Canada. Exposure metrics for approximately 6,000 public and private schools were assessed. A composite grade was generated for each school based on 1) how close the nearest antenna was to the school, 2) how many antennas were located within 0.25 miles or approximately 400 meters (the distance within which scientific research documents mental, emotional and physical symptoms in adults), and 3) within 0.6 miles, or approximately 1 kilometer, from the school.
Read the BRAG Antenna Rankings of Schools report.
Cell Phone Risks and Radiation Is Your Health on the Line? Men's Health - April 2010
Interviews with brain tumor survivor. "According to new research, studies showing that cellphones are safe tend to be (a) less rigorously designed and (b) funded by the cellphone industry, while studies showing that cellphones carry risks are (a) produced with better science and (b) have no financial conflicts of interest."
Cell Phone Use and Cancer - Public Radio International's Living on Earth - March 29, 2010
Cell Phones could next with warning labels being considered in California.  The interviewer, Jeff Young, shared how the fine print information accompanying his new cell phone stated that cell phones should be kept .98 inches away from the body when the device is turned on.  He interviewed Dr. David Carpenter who directs the Institute for Health and Environmental Safety at the University at Albany.  He referred to research in Scandanvia in which there is an increased risk of prostate cancer among men using a cell phone.  He recommends using cell phone more safely. Keeping the cell phone a few inches from your body at all times will reduce your risk of health effects.
How Safe is Your Cell Phone, Time Magazine - March 15, 2010
Scientists are worried that there has been a rush to determine cell phones as safe, using studies they feel are inadequate and too often weighted toward the wireless industry's interests. Research published by University of Washington's Dr. Henry Lai determined that far more independent studies than industry-funded studies have found a biological effect from cell-phone exposure.,9171,1969732,00.html
The Safety of Cell Phones, CNN's Campbell Brown Interview- March 15, 2010
Campbell Brown interviews Bryan Walsh, a reporter who wrote the above mentioned Time magazine article, and Dr. John Boockvar, neurosurgeon at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. She reports that the FDA is urging cell phone companies to design phones that minimize exposure risk.
Maine Considers Warning Label for Cell Phones - March 11, 2010
State Representative Andrea Boland introduced a bill in the state of Maine which would require warning labels on cell phones sold in Maine. The label had an MRI brain image of a 5-year old child talking on a cell phone and demonstated that the radiofrequency radiation penetrated more than half way through the child's brain.  It warned that users, especially children and pregrant women, should keept he device away from the body.  However, the bll was defeated on March 26. But the bill generated lots of media attention to the issue.
Lab Rats with Cell Phones? Opinion Article in February 23, 2010 edition of the LA Times
In this Los Angeles Times opinion piece, Christopher Ketcham explores the research and wonders if we are just unwitting test subjects when we use our favorite wireless devices.,0,2567529.story

Google has Launced High Speed Internet Access
July 23, 2013
Google has launced a project that can make Internet access faster and more secure. The company is seeking to work with and test ultra-high speed fiber optic networks in one or more locations in the United States.  Once the network is installed, the network will enable Internet access at 1 gigabite per second, 100 times faster than standard access. Google is seeking interested municipalities to submit a request for information to be considered for selection.  The video below explains the program. For more information, go to

Here is an excellent site to view for finding fiber optics networks at your location 

Santa Fe, New Mexico City Council Passes a Resolution Regarding Cellular Antenna Sitings

Santa Fe City Council passed a resolution February 10, 2010 about cellular antenna siting, calling for repeal of the preemptory language over human health in siting them under Section 704 of the Federal Telecommunications Act.
New Bill Concerning Placement of Cell Phone Towers in Connecticut
Greenwich, CT legislators have introduced a bill to prohibit the siting of cell phone towers within 750 feet of a school or cell phone tower. Feb. 10, 2010
GQ Magazine Features Article -Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous to your Health

Author Chris Ketcham spent a year investigating the article Warning: Cell Phones May be Hazardous to your Health, featured in the February 2010 edition of GQ magazine. The pictures accompanying the article compare a  small cell phone to a package of cigarettes.  The piece covers some of the history of the research on electromagnetic radiation, a story of an investment banker and his colleagues who are diagnosed with brain tumors, and the politics surrounding this controversial issue. For example,  Environmental Protection Agency scientist, Carl Blackman who studied the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation lost funding for his research. Blackman stated, "a decision was made to stop the civilian agencies from looking too deeply into the nonthermal health effects from exposure to EM fields." Ketcham writes, "there are multiple reports, mostly out of Europe's premier research institutions, of cell-phone and PDA use being linked to "brain aging," brain damage, early-onset Alz­heimer's, senility, DNA damage, and even sperm die-offs." Read the full article at:

Reach more news in the news archives.

Effects of Exposure to GSM Mobile Phone Base Station Signals on Salivary Cortisol, Alpha-Amylase, and Immunoglobulin A.

Biomed Enivorn Sc. 2010 Jun;23 (3:199-207.
Augner C, Hacker GW, Oberfeld G, Florian M, Hitzl W, Hutter J, Pauser G.;
IGGMB-Research Institute for Frontier Questions of Medicine and Biotechnology, Salzburg Federal Hospital-University Clinics of the Paracelsus Medical Private University, Salzburg Federal Clinics (SALK), Salzburg, Austria.


OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to test whether exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted by mobile phone base stations may have effects on salivary alpha-amylase, immunoglobulin A (IgA), and cortisol levels. METHODS: Fifty seven participants were randomly allocated to one of three different experimental scenarios (22 participants to scenario 1, 26 to scenario 2, and 9 to scenario 3). Each participant went through five 50-minute exposure sessions. The main RF-EMF source was a GSM-900-MHz antenna located at the outer wall of the building. In scenarios 1 and 2, the first, third, and fifth sessions were "low" (median power flux density 5.2 muW/m(2)) exposure. The second session was "high" (2126.8 muW/m(2)), and the fourth session was "medium" (153.6 muW/m(2)) in scenario 1, and vice versa in scenario 2. Scenario 3 had four "low" exposure conditions, followed by a "high" exposure condition. Biomedical parameters were collected by saliva samples three times a session. Exposure levels were created by shielding curtains. RESULTS: In scenario 3 from session 4 to session 5 (from "low" to "high" exposure), an increase of cortisol was detected, while in scenarios 1 and 2, a higher concentration of alpha-amylase related to the baseline was identified as compared to that in scenario 3. IgA concentration was not significantly related to the exposure.
CONCLUSIONS: RF-EMF in considerably lower field densities than ICNIRP-guidelines may influence certain psychobiological stress markers.

      PMID: 20708499 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher

Mobile phone radiation health risk controversy: the reliability and sufficiency of science behind the safety standards

Dariusz Leszczynski emailand Zhengping Xu email

Health Research Policy and Systems 2010, 8:2doi:10.1186/1478-4505-8-2


27 January 2010

Abstract (provisional)

There is ongoing discussion whether the mobile phone radiation causes any health effects. The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, the International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety and the World Health Organization are assuring that there is no proven health risk and that the present safety limits protect all mobile phone users. However, based on the available scientific evidence, the situation is not as clear. The majority of the evidence comes from in vitro laboratory studies and is of very limited use for determining health risk. Animal toxicology studies are inadequate because it is not possible to "overdose" microwave radiation, as it is done with chemical agents, due to simultaneous induction of heating side-effects. There is a lack of human volunteer studies that would, in unbiased way, demonstrate whether human body responds at all to mobile phone radiation. Finally, the epidemiological evidence is insufficient due to, among others, selection and misclassification bias and the low sensitivity of this approach in detection of health risk within the population. This indicates that the presently available scientific evidence is insufficient to prove reliability of the current safety standards. Therefore, we recommend to use precaution when dealing with mobile phones and, whenever possible and feasible, to limit body exposure to this radiation. Continuation of the research on mobile phone radiation effects is needed in order to improve the basis and the reliability of the safety standards. 

Public health implications of wireless technologies

C. Sage, D.O. Carpenter, Public health implications of wireless technologies, Pathophysiology (2009), doi:10.1016/j.pathophys.2009.01.011


Global exposures to emerging wireless technologies from applications including mobile phones, cordless phones, DECT phones, WI-FI, WLAN,WiMAX, wireless internet, baby monitors, and others may present serious public health consequences. Evidence supporting a public health risk is documented in the BioInitiative Report. New, biologically based public exposure standards for chronic exposure to low-intensity exposures are warranted. Existing safety standards are obsolete because they are based solely on thermal effects from acute exposures. The rapidly expanding development of newwireless technologies and the long latency for the development of such serious diseases as brain cancers means that failure to take immediate action to reduce risks may result in an epidemic of potentially fatal diseases in the future. Regardless of whether or not the associations are causal, the strengths of the associations are sufficiently strong that in the opinion of the authors, taking action to reduce exposures is imperative, especially for the fetus and children. Such action is fully compatible with the precautionary principle, as enunciated by the Rio Declaration, the European Constitution Principle on Health (Section 3.1) and the European Union Treaties Article 174.© 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.