Wi-Fi is a class of wireless local area networks based on IEEE 802.11 standards. Wi-Fi operates in 2.4, 3.6 and 5 GHz frequency bands and uses radiofrequency radiation to make connections.
Many office buildings, libraries, schools and homes use Wi-Fi technology to connect home and office equipment on wireless networks. When Wi-Fi is on, there is pulsing microwave radiation present regardless of whether a computer is on or being used. Wireless radiation from Wi-Fi travels through most kinds of matter including walls, furniture, pets, and people, as well as into your neighbors’ homes.
Since microwave ovens, cordless phones and Bluetooth also use the 2.4 GHz frequency, Wi-Fi can interfere with these products.
Wi-Fi enabled products entered the marketplace with no prior health trials, like cell phones. We don’t know the long-term health implications of using Wi-Fi. Environmental impacts may not manifest themselves for 30-40 years.
People with electrosensitivity cannot be around Wi-Fi because it intensifies their adverse health conditions.
Read How Wi-Fi Affects Our Bodies